Good luck learning Georgian without this 🥲.

There simply are no high-quality resources that explain this complex and ancient language. 

We looked everywhere and decided to create what we needed ourselves. And now we’re happy to share it with you.

We’re no native speakers ourselves, but we cracked the most difficult parts by using the high-quality resources that exist in German, Russian, and English.

And then we worked together with Georgian speakers to create this course.

Alex, Zhazira, Ilia, Lucas, Amadeo

Explainer Videos

Some concepts are hard to learn without a good explanation. And good explanations are rare. For example, the verb system is what makes Georgian especially hard. We have 15+ shorts on Instagram for free about this. By buying this course, you get extra practice material, and in depth-explanations.

Native Speaker Phrases

We asked native speakers to record what you need to succeed. Memorise the most useful phrases efficiently, including correct pronunciation. With our Lingophant App, you’ll have a powerful tool to continue learning even after this course.

Train your listening skills.

In Georgian, understanding people when they speak is initially impossible. So we prepared 9+ videos with double subtitles. This means you can read along in Georgian (with the Latin alphabet). Now you can recognise the words people say, and practice listening to real people.

Check out the Curriculum

  Your Ideal Routine (pick one of these each day)
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days after you enroll
  Week 1
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Week 2
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Week 3
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Week 4
Available in days
days after you enroll

Get Started Now for a Reduced Price

While we still create content, you can buy the course with a discount and ask for specific content we can create for you.

We’ve been living in Kutaisi since a year working on this course

The Georgian language is almost impossible to learn for foreigners if you don’t get a good introduction.

We literally read through old German and Russian books trying to understand if there is a system behind it.

We’re experienced language learners and teachers ourselves. This course, despite being a tiny market, is made with the love of trying to understand one of the oldest, most difficult and most beautiful languages.

We don’t think there is a better introduction. But judge for yourself with our 30-day money back guarantee.

Signed: Alex, Zhazira, Ilia, Lucas, and Amadeo.

Questions & Answers

What happens to the money?

We have an agreement to split up the money between the creators and the people featured in the videos. We will use it to create further content where needed, although we feel like the most important content is already covered.

The course is still in beta mode, so it’s cheaper and we’re happy to improve it with your feedback.

What level will I have afterwards?

You’ll have a proper understanding of how the language works. How words are created, how to distinguish between tenses, how people speak and what they say. And you’ll have a healthy basis to grow from. You’ll also know how to work with our app to continue learning from conversations you have. In total, you’ll have an active vocabulary of 100+ phrases and have worked through 1+ hour of listening material.

How can I ask questions?

You will be invited to join a WhatsApp group and you can ask questions under videos. We will use this to remind you of practicing, notify you of events, and improve the course continuously.

What if I don’t like the course?

We’re quite sure this is one of the best introductions to start your journey. Having this explained by a teacher will likely be less efficient, so you can use your time with a teacher for practicing conversations or reading. If you don’t like it there’s a simple 30-day money-back guarantee, where from your profile you can get a refund immediately and lose access to all our material.

Why do you think you can teach this?

We’re experienced language learners, and this content is literally what we’ve been missing for a year. It’s really hard to understand when people speak because there is no content with subtitles.

How would you describe your method?

We believe in a natural approach, instead of teaching grammar top-down. You’ll listen to real people talking and recognise patterns naturally. Our brains are actually machines for understanding input, and need exposure to comprehensible input. Short and powerful videos introduce the concepts so you can then recognise them in “real life".

In addition to this passive learning, we use the Lingophant App to practice your active vocabulary. That way, you’ll know more than a hundred correct phrases. This can give you the confidence to express yourself.