🎧 Listening-Reading: Understand Ira's stories about traveling and her designer career.

Alright, your first video with subtitles! Trust us, there is no better way to practice understanding native speakers.

To Start:

Set a timer of 30 minutes. During this time, you will watch and work with this L-R video.


Watch 3x, first reading English, then Georgian, then both

Then read the script once.

That’s it.

Further Advice:

You can make it easier to review them later by creating a note that's available on your computer and phone. That way you can quickly watch a video any time.

  1. Create a note you can easily access (Apple Notes, Google Keep, Notion, ...)
  2. Copy-paste the link to each video you watched.
  3. Under it, paste words you'd like to remember so you can review them quickly.
  4. Whenever you have spare time, just rewatch or re-listen videos
  5. Watch and hear your understanding grow.

We also have an audio-file and a printed transcript that you can download, if you prefer that.

Enjoy your bath in the new language.



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